Tešíme sa opäť na Vás, letecké dni Airpower 2022, https://www.airpower.gv.at/
AIRPOWER22 will continue the AIRPOWER event series’ success story. It boasts a military performance on the ground and demonstrations by the Austrian Air Force, the Flying Bulls, and international military aerobatic squadrons. They will be joined by participants from civil aviation, a static show of civil exhibitors from the aviation industry, research and education, and an extensive supporting event at the airfield, including the Military Aviation Museum.
Naša firma L29.SK s.r.o. hrdo opäť predstavuje najlepšieho display pilota pre Aero Delfin L29 (Dolphin), generálmajora v.v. Ing. Jozefa Pivarčiho, 15.000 nalietaných letových hodín. Inštruktor, examinátor, multi-engine, IFR.